- Why Does Dev C Create An Exe File For Windows
- Why Does Dev C Create An Exe File In Visual Basic
- Why Does Dev C++ Create An Exe File Download
I have created a sample program on C.When i try to run on a different system (win 7 64 bit) it is asking for x64 version of the file (of the executable file created ).
- Jul 22, 2007 Dev C does create stand alone.exe files. You click on execute, then compile. It will ask you where you want to save it, and the name, and that's it. It is not compatible with Vista.
- Sep 02, 2016 well, you just need to compile your source code( using a compiler like code blocks, turbo c etc), and the output is 3 types of files 1. The source code file. The executable file(“.exe” file in windows and as a “a.out” file on linux).
P.S. - I am not talking about the compiler, but about the executable file created after compiling.
P.S.3 - again the .exe file .....hehe lol ...
Aug 17, 2010 The source code is stored in a text file and you can 'see' it as long as the file is in your computer. The.exe file is completely independent, in the way a blueprint is independent from the building it describes. When your IDE compiles the source files, it probably generates a.exe file somewhere. Look for it and try to run it by itself.
PLZ help..
thanx in advance
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Why Does Dev C Create An Exe File For Windows
This depends on which compiler you are using.
If you use Visual Studio (presumably on a 32bit Windows), then you can install a 64bit cross-compiler (and the necessary auxiliary tools and libraries), as it says '>
Jump to PostI see people using Turbo C++ sometimes, but this might be my first spot of plain Turbo C in the wild :p
For the history buffs, the last version of Turbo C was released in 1989, and made 16 bit executables for DOS.
For those to whom that means nothing, …
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This depends on which compiler you are using.
Why Does Dev C Create An Exe File In Visual Basic
If you use Visual Studio (presumably on a 32bit Windows), then you can install a 64bit cross-compiler (and the necessary auxiliary tools and libraries), as it says '>here. Of course, if you use a version of Visual Studio that is older than 2008, then you really should update it, because, as far as I'm concerned, any version prior to 2008 is completely unusable (too sub-standard, poor performing, and feature-deprived).
If you are using MinGW (GCC), then you need to use '>MinGW-w64 which is a fork for mingw that supports both 32bit and 64bit for both host (what you are running on) and target (what you are compiling for).
If you are using any other Windows compiler (Intel? IBM? Borland?), then you would have to check with those vendors what is possible.
Why Does Dev C++ Create An Exe File Download
Needless to say, if you are not working under Windows (e.g., you are working in Linux or Mac OSX), then this is impossible because these systems use completely different executable formats ('ELF' format, for all Unix-like systems), so, obviously that won't work in Windows. I don't know of any easy way to compile Windows executables from a non-Windows system (i.e., a Unix-like system), I suspect that setting this up is not for the faint of hearts.