Movement is a vivid discovery, a fundamental and explicit teaching in which the return to basics takes on a whole new meaning. In it, author Gray Cook crosses the lines between rehabilitation, conditioning and fitness, providing a clear model and a common language under which fitness and rehabilitation professionals can work together. By using systematic logic and revisiting the natural developmental principals all infants employ as they learn to walk, run and climb, Gray forces a new look at motor learning, corrective exercise and modern conditioning practices.The discoveries, lessons and approaches youll learn—
3 This is an expansion of Gray Cook’s 10 Movement Principles described in his book, Movement. To learn more about the book and get more post-publication insights, please visit Feb 14, 2017 Gray Cook, MSPT, OCS, CSCS, presented at the 2013 TSAC Conference on the concept of 'functional movement' for athletes. For more info about strength and conditioning, visit Movement is available as an inexpensive digital book, which makes it a nice adjunct text to introduce the movement screen. When we put Movement out in ebook format, we decided to go with a low price, $9.99, so people could get a second copy inexpensively — hardcover or paperback on a shelf for easy review.
Movement Gray Cook Pdf Download Free
* How to view and measure movement quality alongside quantity* How to ascertain dysfunctional patterns with the Functional Movement Screen* What clinicians need to know about the Selective Functional Movement Assessments* When to apply corrective strategies and how to determine which strategies to use* How to map movement patterns and understand movement as a behavior and not just as a mechanical ideaThis book is not simply about the anatomy of moving structures. Rather, it serves a broader purpose to help the reader understand authentic human movement, and how the brain and body create and learn movement patterns. Our modern dysfunctions are a product of our isolated and incomplete approaches to exercise imposed on our sedentary lifestyles.A return to movement principles can create a more comprehensive exercise and rehabilitation model, a model that starts with movement.