C projects are very useful for those students who want to learn C language and develop C file handling. These projects have basic and easy interface, some uses other for UI. Here student can search and find download the collection of mini projects in c projects with full source code and execute file. Students get complete and error-free.
I'm a newbie to C# and I'm looking forward to learning it. I know the best way to learn something is to practice, but I can't think of anything to make. I'm most interested in developing applications that interact witht he web, but I have also had an idea in my head for a while: a program that prevents file writing/reading when you are afk. Well I don't know in which direction to go, so any pointers, project suggestions, and guidelines will be very appreciated!
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- 3 Years Discussion Span
- commentLatest Postby peter_budoLatest Post
Well, you shoud read up on the language first, do the practice problems that they give you (in the book / tutorial etc...). Then once you have the basics down, a goo place to go would be '>www.sourceforge.net search through the project tree and find a project that you are interested in and develop something for it, or join a project that is just starting. Hope this helps.
im studying in class 12 and i need a project for my school assessment. im not looking for those boring library management,hotel management and stuff but something interseting which will force me to think.
i know a little bit of graphics to the extent that ive made program to draw the a graph of any user input polynomial, and have made a couple of games by myself (tic tac toe and galaxian).
so any ideas....
oh and use turbo c++ 3.0 not the ones the dont use <iostream.h> and require 'using namespace std'a and stuff.
Dev C++ Project Ideas For Women
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- 5 Years Discussion Span
- commentLatest Postby DarackhtLatest Post