Beyonce Uses Auto Tune

Jan 04, 2018 Ready to learn how to tune vocals like a pro? Click below to download your FREE AutoTune Cheatsheet, with the exact settings I recommend for the most transpa. Auto-Tune may have initially been invented by a mathematician, but it is now used in pretty much every pop song, sometimes subtly, other times so blatantly that it becomes an instrument itself. Jan 13, 2015  Beyonce proves she doesn't need auto tune Vine By: Parker Kit Hill - Duration: 0:07. Gshsiw Ssiod 25,473 views.

lil wayne,kanye west,dj webstar,young berg,50 cent,tony

yayo.those are the first people that come to mind but other rappers

have used it too.

Besides jay-z most all rappers use it and most bands use it p.s

in 2012 evey one will use auto-tune its what they meant by the

world will end

Added - Eminem used it on Bagpipes From Baghdad, and yes, Jay-Z

used auto tune once, on the same c.d. as his song death of auto

Antares auto-tune

tune. On To The Next ft. Swizz Beats, everyone should listen to

that before they keepin droppin the 'jay will never use it'


Nearly EVERYONE uses autotune on their recordings. Just not

as strongly as T-Pain does.

(I work on music. The people who get offended when this

assertion is made have no experience editing music. It takes skill

to 'auto tune' a vocal without it being obvious. When it's done

correctly, VERY FEW people can tell anything has been done to the

vocal AT ALL. Before replying with 'you suck at singing' or 'auto

tuning is for untalented idiots' consider that you may not know

Beyonce Uses Auto Tune Video

what goes on behind the scenes in the studio.)

The real question should be, 'Does Nicki Minaj use auto tune

Beyonce Uses Auto Tunes

live?' For albums, yes. But live, who knows?