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In this lesson I shall introduce several functions and show you actual OpenGLrendering in a program. Prior to showing you the code, however, I want to goover a few things with you. This will give you a better understanding of whatis going on when you do see the code, so you don't stare at the screenwondering what you're looking at. So, on with the show.Transformations in OpenGL rely on the matrix for all mathematical computations. No, not the movie. Concentrate grasshopper. OpenGL has what is known as a matrix stack, which comes in handy for constructing models composed of many simple objects.
The modelview matrix defines the coordinate system that is being used to place and orient objects. It is a 4x4 matrix that is multiplied by vertices and transformations to create a new matrix that reflects the result of any transformations that have been applied to the vertices. When we want to modify the modelview matrix we use the command glMatrixMode(). We define this asBefore you call any transformation commands you MUST specify whether you want to modify the modelview matrix or the projection matrix. The argument for modifying the modelview matrix is GL_MODELVIEW. So the complete line would appear as:Now we will look at translation. Translation allows you to move an object from one location to another within a 3D environment. The functions for this in OpenGL are glTranslatef() and glTranslated(). Here are their descriptions:Note that you must pass float types to glTranslatef() and double types to glTranslated(). X, Y, and Z represent the amount of translation on that axis.
Rotation in OpenGL is accomplished through the glRotate*() function, which is defined asNow let's take a look at these, and a few others, functions mentioned in a program. The following code is taken from OpenGL Game Programming and is commented by myself. If you have any problems building and using this code, feel free to contact me.That's a lot of code! Spend some time studying the example, practice a bit, and then we will proceed to lesson 7, where more of this code will be explained. Also, in lesson 7 we will cover Projections.Happy Coding!!
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